Project Type: Website
Project Description: My personal website which I designed using several different web development technologies including Bootstrap and FlightPHP frameworks.
This site was programmed using PHP and HTML.
Project Location:
Project Type: Website
Project Description: This is the personal portfolio for Jason Neumann. It was my first web project and was created around 2010. The first draft used only HTML and CSS. However, since it's redesign, it now uses PHP, CSS, and relies on the Bootstrap framework for the front-end.
Project Location:
Project Type: Website
Project Description: Custom website that was made using Wordpress for the front end landing site to give the site owners ability to control it's content. Then Bootstrap, PHP, and HTML was used for the backend. The site creation was requested by a couple of school teachers from Marengo High School in Marengo, IL. I was contracted by Kirk Schnable of EPEC Web Technologies, LLC to write the custom ticket system for the project; along with assisting with other areas where code was needed.
Project Location:
Project Type: Open Source Applications
Project Description: This is my personal open source code repo where I track all my projects.
Project Location: